Martha的一句Don't be alone胜过千言万语所有人都低估她可只有他知道能早早识破他戴着假发的女人其实一点都不傻她只是因为爱他所以什么都没有戳破但愿Clark对Martha的一片真心能够帮她驱散苏联的阴霾与寒冷直到她终于遇见真正的幸福想必坚强如她不需要这些也一定能活下去搭错车电视剧希望她在陌生的国度可以永远开心吧
From the beginning "I chose not to choose life", with nothing but heroin in hand, to the end "I'm cleaning up, moving forward, going straight and choosing life", with a windfall (from a heroin deal) in hand, he changed, getting sick of the past chaos and eager for the ordinary - "getting by, looking ahead to the day you die"...